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50 products

  • Corydoras sp CW106 (WILD CAUGHT) - Nano Tanks Australia Aquarium Shop

    Corydoras sp CW106 (WILD CAUGHT)

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    CW106 was only recently imported in Australia in March 2021. It is a very hard to find species and harder to identify accurately. The species was wild caught and brought in from an exporter in Columbia. As per the Aquarium Glaser Website: https://www.aquariumglaser.de/en/fish-archives/corydoras-cw-89-cw-91-cw-106-cw-107-2/ The long snouted counterpart of Corydoras sp. CW 107 is Corydoras sp. CW 106, which in turn should be of the same species as Corydoras sp. CW 89. In both species the dorsal band running into the lower caudal lobes is very typical.  

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  • Corydoras spp. C91 - Nano Tanks Australia Aquarium Shop

    Corydoras spp. C91

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    Corydoras-spp-c91, also known as the Panda Cory, is a freshwater fish native to South America. It is a member of the family Callichthyidae, and is found in the wild in Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, and Colombia. It is a small fish with a black and white patterned body, which gives it its name. The body is usually black with a white spot near the head and a white line running along the back. It has a short, blunt snout and large eyes, giving it a cute look. Its diet consists of worms and other small invertebrates. In the aquarium, it should be provided with a sandy substrate, plenty of hiding places, and an adequate amount of food. It is an active fish and will explore its surroundings. It is peaceful and can be kept in a community tank with other compatible species.

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  • Corydoras Sterbai 3cm - Nano Tanks Australia Aquarium Shop

    Corydoras Sterbai 3cm

    16 in stock

    Corydoras sterbai is a small, peaceful fish that grows to a size of 3-3.5 cm (1.2-1.4 inches). It is native to South America, where it inhabits warm, slow-moving waters. This fish has a unique pattern of black, yellow, and white stripes and spots which makes it stand out in an aquarium. It is an active and peaceful fish that makes an excellent addition to a community tank, as it will get along well with other peaceful fish, such as tetras and small catfish. Corydoras sterbai is an omnivore, so it will eat a variety of prepared and live foods.

    16 in stock


  • Corydoras Super Schwartzi CW28 - Nano Tanks Australia Aquarium Shop

    Corydoras Super Schwartzi CW28

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    Size: Male: 6.0cm (2½ins) Female: 6.5cm (2¾ins) Temp: 20-25°C (67 -77°F) pH: 6.0 -7.2. Relevant Information:This species occupies the same or overlapping geographic area as Corydoras pulcher and may turn out to be a colour varient of this species. The differences between the two is that C. pulcher has one black line to body and C028 has two. It has been given the CW (CorydorasWorld) number of 28. Aquarium care: This is akin to most of this genus, very peaceful, and would be best housed with small to medium tank mates such as Tetras, Rasboras and Danios or in a species tank for breeding purposes. Diet: A good quality flake food and tablet food for adults with sporadic feedings of frozen or live food will keep your Corydoras in good health. Remarks: This is a very pretty species when in good condition. Reference: www.corydorasworld.com

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  • Corydoras trilineatus Three stripe Corydoras - Nano Tanks Australia Aquarium Shop

    Corydoras trilineatus Three stripe Corydoras

    Three stripe - Juli's Cory Catfish (Corydoras trilineatus) OVERVIEW: Scientific Name Corydoras julii Family Callichthyidae Common Names Julii cory, julii cory fish, julii catfish Ease of keeping Easy Lifespan 7 years and more Tank size 30 gallons and more Temperament Peaceful Tank type Community of fishes Diet Omnivorous bottom feeder Temperature 72-78 °F (22-26 °C) pH 6.0-8.0 Water hardness 2–20 dGH Size up to 3 in (7.5 cm) The three-stripe corydoras is a freshwater fish that lives in the Amazon River basin and coastal rivers of South America. They are not aggressive fish, but they will defend their territory by chasing away other fishes with an impressive display of fins waving back and forth. When you are looking for a fish to keep in your aquarium, consider the three stripe corydoras. It is an interesting and peaceful species that can grow up to 2.5 inches (6.1 centimeters) long! The three-stripe corydoras live in water with pH levels between 6-8 as well as temperatures ranging from 72-79 degrees Fahrenheit, which makes it suitable for most homes' environments without needing specific care requirements or changes of temperature over time like some other animals might need. This type of animal feeds on worms, benthic crustaceans, insects, and plant matter among others so there will never be any food shortages when keeping one indoors either - perfect if you're trying not just to want something nice but also easy. COLOR: The colour of this fish is not what it seems. The underside is pale white, while the top side has a greenish tint to its skin that sparkles in the water. Three long stripes run along their sides and five vertical striped lines extend from head to tail on both fins for an amazing effect when swimming in open waters! BEHAVIOR: This shy fish is an interesting creature to observe, and planning a large group of three-band Corydoras will help them become more confident. They are said to be quite fearful because they find comfort in the presence of their fellow tankmates as well! COHABITATION: Corydoras trilineatus is a three-lined Corydoras species that has until recently been underappreciated in the aquarium world. They are very peaceful and never disturb other inhabitants, making them an ideal fish for anyone who wants to keep more than one type of animal together without any fighting or risk to their personal safety. BREEDING: When you want to breed your corydoras, make sure they are at a stage where their eggs have the best chance of hatching. Cory catfish can get pregnant any time between 3-8 years old but it's typically after age 5 when females produce bigger and better quality fry! Before this point in life, young female fish will still be able to give birth on occasion with some success or may lay infertile eggs which are more likely than fertile ones to become infected by a fungus that turns them into jellyfish looking deflated blobs.  AQUARIUM: Corydoras prefer to inhabit tanks with rough surfaces and strong water currents for feeding. They can often be found near the bottom of a tank grazing on algae, detritus, or other filter-feeding organisms like shrimp. With small mouths but voracious appetites, these little fish are perfect for eating whatever gets stuck in your aquarium filters! FEEDING: Corydoras trilineatus is not difficult to feed, but it's always important to consider its preferred food. For perfect health, vary this basic diet with contributions in plants and invertebrates like tubifex or daphnia. And for the ultimate treat? Give them vase worms! If your Corydoras are struggling because other fish eat their meal faster than they can get at it during the day when lights are on- make sure you distribute meals only after dark so that all of your aquarium occupants have an equal chance of eating well without feeling threatened by one another.

  • Corydoras Venezuela 3-3.5cm - Nano Tanks Australia Aquarium Shop

    Corydoras Venezuela 3-3.5cm

    Corydoras Venezuela, also known as Venezuelan Corydoras or Corydoras adolfoi, is a small, peaceful catfish species that originates from the Orinoco River basin in Venezuela. These charming catfish are known for their striking appearance, with a unique pattern of black spots and bands on a light-colored body. They have a streamlined shape, with long barbels around their mouths that they use to search for food in the substrate. In addition to their eye-catching appearance, Corydoras Venezuela are known for their peaceful and social nature, making them great additions to community aquariums. They are generally peaceful with other fish species, and are best kept in groups of 5 or more to promote their natural shoaling behavior. Corydoras Venezuela are also hardy and easy to care for, making them suitable for beginner and experienced aquarists alike. These catfish are omnivorous, and their diet consists of a variety of foods including high-quality dry pellets, frozen or live foods such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, and daphnia, as well as vegetable-based foods like algae wafers or blanched vegetables. They are bottom-dwelling fish that will actively forage in the substrate for food, helping to keep your aquarium clean. At Nano Tanks Australia Aquarium Shop, we take pride in offering healthy and high-quality Corydoras Venezuela to our customers. Whether you're a seasoned hobbyist or just starting out, these captivating catfish are sure to add beauty, charm, and activity to your aquarium. Don't hesitate to contact us for expert advice or browse our selection online. Get your Corydoras Venezuela from Nano Tanks Australia Aquarium Shop today and elevate your aquarium to the next level! Happy fishkeeping!

  • Corydoras Virginiae 4cm EXTRA LARGE - Nano Tanks Australia Aquarium Shop

    Corydoras Virginiae 4cm EXTRA LARGE

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    The Corydoras Virginiae, otherwise known as the Sangama Cory inhabits the Ucayali River Basin in Peru. The Corydoras Virginiae lives in small tributaries, creeks, pools and areas of flooded forest in the wild. An aquarium of 20 gallons or more should be provided to accommodate a minimum group of 3 to 4 Corydoras Virginiae. An aquarium set up to replicate an Amazon biotope will be appreciated. Use a soft, sandy substrate with a few dried leaves such as Beech or Oak to naturally soften the water as their tannins are released. Aquascape the aquarium with smooth edged rocks and driftwood while leaving open spaces and areas for the catfish to swim. Corydoras Virginae  are foraging omnivores and that require a well-balanced diet including quality flake food and pellets along with frozen/thawed blood worms, brine shrimp and mysis shrimp for adult specimens.

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  • Sale -20% Corydoras Weitzmani - TWO SADDLE CORY - Nano Tanks Australia Aquarium Shop

    Corydoras Weitzmani - TWO SADDLE CORY

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    A rare and once nearly impossible to find species of Corydoras, the Two Saddle or Weitzmani Cory is a medium-growing species found in the Madre de Dios region of Southern Peru. Like all Corys, it is a schooling species and is best kept in groups. In the wild, they use their sensitive barbels to sift for food particles in the sand and should be kept on the fine substrate in the aquarium. This species is hardy and undemanding but does prefer slightly cooler temperatures than some other tropical fish (71-76F). Two Saddle / Weitzmani Cory (Corydoras weitzmani) Origin: Wild Peru Locale: Madre de Dios drainage Diet: Insects, invertebrates, most sinking frozen & prepared feeds Adult Size: 2.75″ Recommended Tank Size: 30 gallons Compatibility: Peaceful, excellent community fish Preferred Water Parameters pH: 6.0 – 7.5 Temp: 71-76F Ammonia: 0ppm Nitrite: 0ppm Nitrate: <30ppm

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    $50.00 $40.00

  • Elegant Corydoras (Corydoras elegans) - Nano Tanks Australia Aquarium Shop

    Elegant Corydoras (Corydoras elegans) 3cm

    Elegant Corydoras, also known by its scientific name Corydoras elegans, is a small freshwater fish that is popular among aquarists. The Elegant Corydoras is a peaceful and social fish that is known for its distinctive and beautiful appearance. It has a silvery-white body with a black spot at the base of the tail and a vibrant orange stripe running along its back. The Elegant Corydoras is a schooling fish and should be kept in groups of at least six individuals to ensure their social needs are met. In terms of care, the Elegant Corydoras is a hardy fish that is relatively easy to care for. They are a great choice for beginner aquarists, as they are not overly sensitive to changes in water conditions. These fish prefer a well-planted aquarium with plenty of hiding places, as they are known to be shy and can be easily stressed if they do not feel secure. The Elegant Corydoras is a bottom-dwelling fish that is known for its love of scavenging, and they will happily eat any food that falls to the bottom of the aquarium. They should be fed a balanced diet that includes high-quality pellets, flakes, and frozen foods. Overall, the Elegant Corydoras is a great addition to any community aquarium, adding both beauty and personality to the tank. With their ease of care and peaceful nature, they are a popular choice for aquarists of all skill levels.


  • Emerald Catfish Brochis Splendens - Nano Tanks Australia Aquarium Shop

    Emerald Catfish Brochis Splendens

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    The Emerald Catfish, otherwise known as Brochis Splendens, is a type of freshwater fish native to the Amazon River Basin. This species is known for its beautiful, emerald green coloring, which is contrasted by a white belly and black fins. These fish can reach up to 3 inches in length and can live up to 10 years in captivity. They are an active, peaceful species that prefers to live in small schools in a well-oxygenated tank, with plenty of hiding places and a sandy substrate. They are omnivores and enjoy a diet of live, frozen, and flake foods. With their peaceful nature and attractive coloration, the Emerald Catfish make an excellent addition to any freshwater community aquarium.

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  • Gold Laser Corydoras CW10 3cm - Nano Tanks Australia Aquarium Shop

    Gold Laser Corydoras CW10 3cm

    10 in stock

    Synonyms N/ADistribution PeruSexual Dimorphism Females grow slightly larger and appear wider when viewed from above.Maximum Size 7.5cm (3”)Water Parameters Soft, acidic water is recommended. pH: 6.0-7.0, dH: up to 15 degrees.Temperature 20-27 deg C (70-80 deg F)Compatibility Soft water communityLighting No special requirements

    10 in stock


  • Green Laser Corydoras WILD CAUGHT STOCK - Nano Tanks Australia Aquarium Shop

    Green Laser Corydoras WILD CAUGHT STOCK

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    CW009 Green Laser Cory (Corydoras sp. “green laser”) Origin: Wild Peru Locale: Rio Ucayali outside Pucallpa Diet: Insects, invertebrates, most sinking frozen & prepared feeds Adult Size: 2.5″ Recommended Tank Size: 20 gallons Compatibility: Peaceful, excellent community fish Preferred Water Parameters pH: 6.0 – 7.5 Temperature: 26 - 28C Ammonia: 0ppm Nitrite: 0ppm Nitrate: <30ppm

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  • SUPER RARE: Corydoras Hastatus - Nano Tanks Australia Aquarium Shop

    SUPER RARE: Corydoras Hastatus

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    Corydoras Hastatus is one of 3 nano Corydoras species with the most common being Pygmaeus and Habrosus. Corydoras Hastatus is now considered to one of the rarest and hardest to breed of the 3 species with their breeding patterns unlike any of the other 2 species. The Corydoras Hastatus that we are exclusively and privileged to get are bred here in Australia and they are strong. Unfortunately though they are a very hard species to breed and the demand of them will be high it is not a species that we can get in often. In any given year we can get around 30 pieces max. This is a great species best kept in nano tanks and with a minimum group of 3. Temperature: 20 – 26 °C pH: 6.0 – 7.5 Hardness: 36 – 215 ppm In other words. Easy to take care of. Very tolerant to a wide range of conditions. A real beginners' fish

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    $40.00 - $50.00

  • SUPER SUPER RARE: Corydoras Hastatus ALBINO - Nano Tanks Australia Aquarium Shop

    SUPER SUPER RARE: Corydoras Hastatus ALBINO

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    Corydoras Hastatus is one of 3 nano Corydoras species with the most common being Pygmaeus and Habrosus. Corydoras Hastatus is now considered to one of the rarest and hardest to breed of the 3 species with their breeding patterns unlike any of the other 2 species. The Corydoras Hastatus that we are exclusively and privileged to get are bred here in Australia and they are strong. Unfortunately though they are a very hard species to breed and the demand of them will be high it is not a species that we can get in often. In any given year we can get around 30 pieces max. This is a great species best kept in nano tanks and with a minimum group of 3. Temperature: 20 – 26 °C pH: 6.0 – 7.5 Hardness: 36 – 215 ppm In other words. Easy to take care of. Very tolerant to a wide range of conditions. A real beginners' fish

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Corydoras - Nano Tanks Australia Aquarium Shop

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