Size: Male: 6.0cm (2½ins) Female: 6.5cm (2¾ins)
Temp: 20-25°C (67 -77°F)
pH: 6.0 -7.2.
Relevant Information:
This species occupies the same or overlapping geographic area as Corydoras pulcher and may turn out to be a colour varient of this species. The differences between the two is that C. pulcher has one black line to body and C028 has two. It has been given the CW (CorydorasWorld) number of 28. Aquarium care: This is akin to most of this genus, very peaceful, and would be best housed with small to medium tank mates such as Tetras, Rasboras and Danios or in a species tank for breeding purposes. Diet: A good quality flake food and tablet food for adults with sporadic feedings of frozen or live food will keep your Corydoras in good health. Remarks: This is a very pretty species when in good condition.