Apistogrammas (Dwarf Cichlids)
Apistogramma Agassizi
Apistogramma agassizi is a colorful and peaceful freshwater fish from the Cichlidae family. It is native to the Amazon River basin in northern South America. It typically grows to a size of 2.5 to 3 inches in length. The fish has a large, colorful, and eye-catching dorsal fin and a wide, pointed anal fin. The base color of the body is yellow-brown with many vertical black stripes and blue-green markings. This fish is best kept in small groups in an aquarium with plenty of hiding places, open swimming areas, and subdued lighting. They are omnivorous, so they will accept a variety of live, frozen, and flake foods. Apistogramma agassizi is a great choice for the experienced hobbyist looking for a stunning and peaceful addition to their aquarium.
Apistogramma Agassizi Alenquer
Apistogramma agassizi alenquer pairs are a species of cichlid fish native to the Amazon basin in South America. This species of fish is known for its unique coloration, with males displaying bold black stripes across a bright yellow body, while the females are a more muted yellow-brown hue. They are usually found in pairs and are relatively peaceful, making them an ideal choice for community aquariums. They do best in tanks with plenty of hiding places and a sandy substrate, and should be provided with plenty of vegetation for grazing. They can grow up to 4 inches in length and live for up to five years, making them an interesting and long-lasting addition to any aquarium.
Apistogramma Agassizi Double Red (Pair)
The Apistogramma agassizi double red male is a striking fish native to South America. It has a beautiful red coloration with a deep black stripe running along its back. Its fins are a lighter shade of red, giving it a unique look. It can reach up to 4 inches in length and is an omnivore, eating a variety of foods including small crustaceans, worms, and insects. This fish is an excellent choice for the experienced aquarist due to its peaceful nature and its ability to thrive in a well-maintained aquarium.
Apistogramma Agassizi Santarem
Apistogramma agassizi-santarem is a species of dwarf cichlid native to South America. It is a beautifully colored fish with a bright yellow body and black markings on the face and fins. Males have a deep red or orange band across the front of their body, while females are more drab in color. This species is relatively peaceful and can be kept in a community aquarium. They prefer well-oxygenated water with a pH of 6.5-7.5 and temperatures of 72-79°F (22-26°C). It is important to provide plenty of hiding spaces and a sandy substrate for them to dig in. They are carnivorous and will readily accept a variety of live and frozen foods. Apistogramma agassizi-santarem is an egg-scattering species, and can be bred in the home aquarium.
Apistogramma Agassizi Tefe Pearl Blue
Apistogramma agassizi 'Tefe Pearl Blue' is a stunning and vibrant freshwater fish from South America. It has a beautiful blue body with an orange/yellow head and tail, along with pearl-colored spots. It is a peaceful fish that prefers to live in a well-planted aquarium, with plenty of hiding places and driftwood for them to feel secure. It loves to swim in schools and will show off its vibrant colors when kept in a group. It is an ideal fish for those just starting out in the hobby and is easy to care for.
Apistogramma Agassizi Tefe Red Back
Apistogramma agassizi tefe red back is a species of small cichlid from South America. It has a bright red-orange stripe across its back and a blue-green body. The fins are transparent and the tail has a yellow-orange hue. It is a peaceful fish and can be kept with other small, peaceful fish. It prefers a well-planted aquarium with plenty of hiding spots. The water should be soft and slightly acidic and it should be fed a variety of live and frozen foods. This species is relatively easy to breed in captivity and can often be seen fanning eggs in the aquarium.
Apistogramma Agassizii Fire Gold 5cm
Apistogramma Agassizii Fire Gold is a beautiful and colorful fish species native to South America. It is a small cichlid that grows to a maximum length of about 2.8 inches. It has a vibrant red-orange base color with a yellow-gold shimmer on its sides, giving it its name. It also has a black stripe running from its snout to the base of its tail, and its fins are outlined in a bright blue. This species is a very peaceful fish that prefers slow-moving, heavily-planted aquariums with plenty of hiding places. It is an omnivore and can be fed a variety of foods such as live and frozen foods, flakes, and pellets. This species is a great addition to any community aquarium and is sure to add a splash of color to any tank.
Apistogramma Baenschi (Sp INKA 50) price per fish
Apistogramma Baenschi sp. Inka 50 is an incredibly vibrant and colorful freshwater fish native to the Amazon River basin in South America. This fish is a member of the Apistogramma family, which includes some of the most sought after and beautifully colored cichlids. These fish are known for their bright yellow and orange body with dramatic black stripes, and they can reach up to 5 inches in length when fully grown. Apistogramma Baenschi sp. Inka 50 is a peaceful species that can be kept in a community tank with other fish of similar size and temperament. This species is relatively easy to care for and is suitable for any aquarist with a bit of fishkeeping experience. The price for Apistogramma Baenschi sp. Inka 50 is $30 per fish.
Apistogramma Bitaeniata Red Back Pair
Apistogramma bitaeniata is a small, colorful fish native to South America. It is a member of the Cichlidae family and is also known as the False Pterophyllum. This fish is typically found in slow-moving rivers and streams, and in the deeper areas of lakes. It is a territorial species, with males defending their territories against other males and females. Apistogramma-bitaeniata grows up to 3.4 inches in length, and is typically brown and yellow with a unique pattern of stripes, spots, and blotches. They are omnivorous and feed on a variety of insects, crustaceans, worms, and plant matter. This fish is popular in the aquarium trade and is ideal for those who have a planted tank.
Apistogramma Borelli 3cm 1 Pair
The Apistogramma borelli is a vibrant, colorful fish that comes from the Apistogramma family. This fish is native to various areas of South America and is an easy fish to take care of. It has a long, narrow body with a bright yellow base color and a black line running down the midline of its body. Its dorsal and anal fins are long and pointed with a bright orange to red color on the tips. This fish can reach up to around 4 inches in length, and a single pair can live in a tank as small as 10 gallons. This fish is relatively peaceful and can be kept in a community tank with other South American species. They also do well in planted tanks.
Apistogramma Borelli Yellow Blue 1 pair
The Apistogramma borelli yellow blue 1 pair is an attractive freshwater fish native to the Amazon River basin in South America. This species is a member of the Apistogramma genus, which is known for its vibrant colors and active behavior. The Apistogramma borelli yellow blue 1 pair features a bright yellow body with blue and black accents, and can reach up to 4 inches in length when fully grown. This species is considered to be a peaceful and timid fish, though they may become territorial around their own kind. When kept in an aquarium, they should be kept in pairs to help reduce aggression and promote natural behaviors. The Apistogramma borelli yellow blue 1 pair is an ideal choice for beginners and experienced aquarists alike, and is sure to add a splash of color to any aquarium.
Apistogramma Cacatuoides Double Red
Apistogramma Cacatuoides Double Red is a stunning and unique freshwater fish native to the Amazon River Basin. This fish is a member of the cichlid family and has a vibrant red coloration on its body and fins. It has a deep red head and tail and the body is covered in black and red vertical stripes. This fish is relatively small, reaching an adult size of only 3.5 inches. It is an egg-layer and prefers to live in a densely planted aquarium with plenty of hiding places. This fish is quite hardy and can adapt to a wide range of water parameters and conditions. It is an omnivore and will accept a variety of foods, including frozen and live foods. The Apistogramma Cacatuoides Double Red is a popular choice for aquarium hobbyists due to its unique coloration and peaceful nature.
Apistogramma Cacatuoides Orange Flash
PRICES ARE FOR EACH FISHPlaceholder image from:http://i396.photobucket.com/albums/pp45/BigBruiserAl/DSCF3832.jpg
Apistogramma Cacatuoides Super Red
Apistogramma cacatuoides - Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlid Overview: Apistogramma cacatuoides Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlid is a widespread species of cichlid that originated from the tributaries and Amazon river basin of Colombia and Tabatinga in Peru. These days, Apistogramma cacatuoides are very popular with most aquarists worldwide and commonly bred in captivity. Characteristics: The male Apistogramma cacatuoides have an average size of 8 centimeters in length, and their female counterparts are considerably smaller, with a usual size of 5 centimeters. They have an elongated body and have a relatively big mouth with thick lips. The male cockatoo dwarf cichlid has a more vibrant color than the female. They both have a dorsal and caudal fin that has a usual shade of red/orange. The female Apistogramma cacatuoides have normal dull coloration with a clear black line that runs along her flanks. Her background color is light yellow that turns brighter when mating or brood protecting. These fishes have several colorations that form naturally in the wild such as yellow, blue, and red. Feeding: Primarily, Apistogramma cacatuoides are carnivores, and in the wild, the food of their choice are benthic invertebrates. Here are the food that you could offer them Bloodworm Daphnia Artemia Flakes Tank Requirements: The cockatoo dwarf will thrive the most in a planted aquarium. The males are highly territorial, and because of that, it is ideal for keeping them in a group of three (1 male with two females) or on a harem situation (1 male with multiple females). They should have peaceful tankmates like tetras and must be kept on a tank with a capacity of at least 20 gallons. Branches and wood roots are a great addition to your tank since they can provide a space for your fish to hide and play. You can also add some soft and sandy subtrate to achieve a more natural appearance. Water Parameters Temperature: 22 – 29 °C PH level: 5.0 - 6.0 Hardiness: 0 – 268 ppm, depending on the origin There is some South American dwarf cichlid that can tolerate alkaline water. Breeding: Apistogramma cacatuoides lay their eggs on caves, crevices, under a leaf or cavities among the decors. Females are responsible for taking care of the eggs while the male ones guard the territory. Monitor the fish once in a while since the females have a tendency of becoming hyper-aggressive. In that situation, the males should be transferred to a separate tank.
$69.00 $50.00
Apistogramma Cacatuoides Triple Red
This striking dwarf cichlid is an incredible color morph of the Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlid (Apistogramma cacatuoides) and is certain to be the centerpiece of any aquarium! The Triple Red Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlid (Apistogramma cacatuoides) is one of the most beautifully colored and most popular dwarf cichlids in the freshwater aquarium hobby. Males are particularly colorful, boasting incredible bright red coloration on the ample dorsal fin as well as the tail and anal fin. The body is typically a blue-violet sheen with a black horizontal stripe, which make for a very distinctive and beautiful appearance. As with most dwarf cichlids, females are less colorful, but still have an attractive appearance and plenty of personality. The Triple Red Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlid will thrive in an aquarium with a sandy substrate and plenty of refuge such as clay pots, driftwood, and rock formations. It is an excellent candidate for the planted aquarium, but it also needs a fair amount of open space. This cichlid is generally compatible with other peaceful fish as long as it has plenty of space. Territoriality is typically at its peak during spawning. Dwarf shrimp and other small, delicate invertebrates should not be kept with the Triple Red Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlid, but more durable, larger shrimp and snails could possibly make good tankmates in a large enough aquarium. If spawning is desired, tankmates of other species should be kept to a minimum or avoided altogether. Feeding is simple for the unfussy Triple Red Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlid. High-quality dry, frozen, and live meaty foods will all be readily accepted. Quality and variety are the keys to a diet that will ensure that this fish maintains optimal health and coloration. We are currently offering sexed, sub-adult specimens of this magnificent species. They are displaying very good coloration, but their color will be even more vibrant as they mature further! What We Like About This Fish: Beautiful iridescent blue-violet body coloration with very bright red coloration on the dorsal, anal, and caudal fins Hardy with plenty of personality Possible to breed in the aquarium Compatible with many other species in a spacious tank RECOMMENDED TANK PARAMETERS: Temperature: 72° - 84° F (22° - 29° C) pH: 6.0 - 7.0, tank-raised specimens are more flexible regarding pH level KH: 2 – 15 KH Minimum tank size: 20 gallons for a pair, but a larger tank is required for a group CARE GUIDELINES: Diet: Carnivorous. A variety of high-quality dry, frozen, and live meaty foods is necessary for optimal health and coloration. Social behavior: Congregates loosely in groups. Males can be territorial when attempting to spawn and females are very protective of their eggs during spawning. Origin: Tank-bred, but indigenous to Peru and Brazil Average adult size: 3 inches (7.5 cm) for males, 2 inches (5 cm) for females Average purchase size: 1 – 1.5 inches (2.5 – 3.8 cm)
Apistogramma cacatuoides Yellow Lemon
Sold as Pair. (1 pair left)
Apistogramma Elizabethae 1 pair
Apistogramma Elizabethae was named in honour of Mrs Elizabeth Cabot Cary Agassiz (1822-1907) the second wife of J.L.R Agasassi. This is one of the rarest and highly priced Apistogramma species and it is more stunning in person. Originally this species lives in tannin based water where there is a lot of fallen leaves and foliage and as a result the fish that you see have very nice and bright colours. Water Parameters These fish prefer a water temperature of around 23-29°C with a pH of 4-7 and a hardness of 18-54ppm. Nano Tanks Australia had the opportunity to bring this species in back in 2019, however due to the price point we were not able to bring it in at this time. Over the course of the last few years the price has gone down as Wild Caught specimens were bred by the Malaysian farms and as a result the price point has gone lower. In 2021 we were given a chance to import this species into Australia, however we understand that although we are not the first shop to bring these to Australia we are pleased to advise that we hold one of the strongest numbers of varieties of Apistogramma in Australia. Image taken from YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hkQjJHqVPA
Apistogramma Erythrura Rio Mamore
Apistogramma Erythrura Rio Mamore is a small and beautiful cichlid fish species that originates from the Rio Mamore river basin in Bolivia. It has a distinctively bright red coloration with a black and white pattern on its body. Its dorsal and caudal fins are also colored in bright red. This species is also known as the 'Red Dwarf Cichlid' as it typically grows to only reach around 3 inches in length. It is a peaceful fish that prefers to be kept in small groups of 6 or more. It is a great addition to any planted tank and can be kept with other peaceful species.
Apistogramma Gibbiceps
Apistogramma gibbiceps is a species of cichlid fish native to South America. It is a popular aquarium fish due to its striking colors and hardy nature. The body of the fish is a bright yellow-orange color, with a black lateral stripe running along the length of the body and a bright blue dorsal fin. Males are larger and more colorful than females, with a bright yellow head and a blue-black line running down their back. They are an egg-scattering species, and males will defend a territory to protect their eggs and fry. They can be kept in groups and prefer water temperatures of 72-82°F. They are omnivorous, and their diet should consist of a variety of prepared foods, frozen and live foods, and vegetable matter.
Apistogramma Hoignei 1p
Apistogramma hoignei is a species of cichlid endemic to the Rio Negro basin in Brazil. It is a small, colorful fish that grows to a maximum length of around 4 centimeters (1.6 inches). Its body is predominantly yellowish-brown or olive with black or dark brown stripes or blotches. The males have a more intense coloration than the females, with a red-orange patch on their forehead and a black and yellow pattern on their body. It is a peaceful, yet territorial species and does best in an aquarium with plenty of hiding places. It is an omnivore and will accept a variety of foods including flakes, frozen and live foods.
Apistogramma Hongsloi Red Line Price per fish
Apistogramma hongsloi red line is a rare and beautiful fish. It has a vibrant red stripe down its body, with a black and yellow speckling pattern on its head and fins. It is a very hardy fish, and can do well in most aquarium settings. This species is a great addition to any community tank, and is a peaceful fish. The price for one of these fish is usually around $15, making it an affordable option for any aquarium hobbyist.
Apistogramma Mendezi
Apistogramma-mendezi is a species of cichlid fish that is native to the Amazon Basin in South America. This colorful fish species is characterized by its brilliant blue and yellow stripes, and its petite size. Apistogramma-mendezi typically grows to be between 2.5 and 3.5 inches in length, and is known to form small schools in the wild. The fish is an omnivore and in the wild will feed on worms, crustaceans, and small insects. In captivity, they should be provided with a varied diet of flakes, pellets, and frozen food. They are also known for being quite territorial, so it is best to keep them in a tank with plenty of hiding places and plants to provide shelter.
Apistogramma Nijsseni Pair
Apistogramma-nijsseni is a species of small, colorful cichlid fish native to South America. It grows up to three inches in length and has a unique, bright yellow and black pattern. The fins are long and pointed, and the males have an extended dorsal fin. These fish are very active and social, and form large schools when in the wild. They are also very territorial and will defend their territory against other fish. They prefer soft, acidic water, and need plenty of hiding places, such as caves and driftwood, to feel secure. Apistogramma-nijsseni is a great choice for the avid aquarist looking for a bright, active fish.
Apistogramma Panduro (Female)
Distribution Described from the Río Ucayali drainage in Genaro/Jenaro Herrera District, Requena Province, Loreto Region, northern Peru and also known from the Río Tahuayo further north, after the Ucayali’s confluence with the Río Maranón. A variant from the Río Tamshiyacu, which lies more-or-less adjacent to the Tahuayo, may or may not represent the same species (see ‘notes’). Habitat Tends to inhabit slower-moving tributaries, backwaters and creeks in areas where fallen leaf litter collects. Maximum Standard Length Male: 7.5 cm Female: 5.5 cm Water Conditions Temperature: 22 – 29 °C pH: 4.0 – 6.5 Hardness: 0 – 90 ppm Reference https://www.seriouslyfish.com/species/apistogramma-panduro/
Apistogramma Piauiensis
Apistogramma Piauiensis is a species of freshwater fish from the family of cichlids. It is a small fish, up to 2.8 inches (7 cm) in length, with a yellowish-green body and a black stripe running along its sides. The males have a bright blue coloration on their cheeks and gill covers. This species is found in the upper coastal streams of the Parnaiba River in northeastern Brazil, and is one of the most spectacularly colored of all Apistogramma species. Apistogramma Piauiensis is an omnivorous fish that feeds on small invertebrates, insect larvae and plant matter. It is an excellent choice for a community tank, and is known to be very peaceful and display beautiful coloration.
Apistogramma Sp Neon Blue Head
Apistogramma sp Neon Blue Head is a species of cichlid fish native to South America. They are a small fish, typically reaching a maximum size of 2.5 inches, and have a unique body shape that is high and pointed at the back and flat at the front. The males are particularly striking, with a vibrant electric blue head and body that is highlighted with yellow stripes and spots, and a black tail. The females are a more muted yellow with a brown head and a yellow to orange tail. The fish prefer acidic water, and should be kept in an aquarium with plenty of hiding places and a sandy substrate. They are a peaceful species that can be kept in groups, but they are somewhat territorial and should be provided with plenty of space.
Apistogramma Sp. Megaptera 1 PAIR
Apistogramma-sp-megaptera-1-pair is a beautiful species of dwarf cichlid found in the Amazon basin in Peru, Brazil, and Ecuador. This fish has a striking yellow, purple, and black pattern on its body and fins. It grows to a maximum size of 4 inches, making it an ideal choice for aquariums. This species is quite peaceful, and can be kept in a community aquarium with other non-aggressive fish like rasboras, tetras, and danios. It prefers a slightly acidic pH between 6.0-7.0, and soft to moderately hard water with temperatures between 72-82F. Apistogramma-sp-megaptera-1-pair is an egg layer, and in an aquarium setting the female will lay her eggs on the substrate or on the leaves of plants. This species is an excellent choice for experienced aquarists looking to add a unique and beautiful fish to their tank.
Apistogramma sp. Pebas
Apistogramma-sp-pebas is a species of small, freshwater fish native to South America. It is a member of the cichlid family and has a striking color pattern of yellow, orange, and black. The fish typically grows to a size of 2 to 3 inches and is an active swimmer. Apistogramma-sp-pebas is an omnivore, feeding on a variety of invertebrates and plant-based foods. It is an egg-layer, and the eggs are laid in a cave or crevice. The fish is well-suited to aquarium environments and is popular among hobbyists.
Apistogramma Trifasciata (3cm)
Apistogramma trifasciata pairs are a species of dwarf cichlid found in South America. They are a popular choice for aquarium owners due to their striking coloration and ease of care. They are a pair-bonding species, meaning that they form strong social bonds with one another. Males are typically larger and more brightly colored than females, with bright yellow bodies, dark vertical stripes, and red markings on the head and fins. Females are typically more drably colored than males, but they can still display a variety of colors. They prefer soft, acidic water and do well in planted aquariums with plenty of rockwork and hiding places. Apistogramma trifasciata pairs are peaceful, but may become aggressive towards other fish if they feel threatened. They are also known to be territorial, so it is important to provide plenty of space for them to swim and hide.
Apistogramma Viejita (Macmasteri) Gold
The Apistogramma viejita macmasteri gold is a stunning and vibrant fish species native to South America. This species has a bright yellow-gold body, with bright shining blue-green fins. The head of this fish is a darker brown color, with a bluish-black stripe running from the forehead to the lower part of the body. Other features include a black stripe that runs from the head to the tail, and a light yellow-gold stripe that runs along the body. This fish is an active, bold and hardy species that does well in an aquarium environment. It is an ideal fish for a community tank, as it is peaceful and will not harm other fish. It is also an excellent addition to larger tanks with other Apistogramma species.
Apistogramma Viejita Red Neck (Macmasteri)
The Apistogramma viejita red-neck Macmasteri male is a beautiful and unique fish, native only to the Amazon basin. It has a very distinct red-necked pattern, with a bright yellow body and a black stripe running along the back. The fins are yellow, with a red-orange edging and a few black spots, while the tail is yellow with a black outline. This fish is quite active and loves to explore its environment, often swimming along the tank walls and bottom. They prefer to be kept in groups of their own species, with plenty of hiding places and a sandy substrate. Males are territorial and may fight with each other, so they should be provided with plenty of space and plenty of hiding places. They are omnivores that feed on both live and frozen foods, and they are quite hardy and easy to care for, making them a great choice for beginner aquarists.