The Spotted Raphael Catfish (Agamyxis pectinifrons), a medium-sized species from the Amazon River basin, has been popular among aquarist for at least a decade. It is hardy and generally peaceful for an aquarium fish with attractive markings. They only grow too large for nano tanks, but are excellent in sets up with other fish like cichlids or tetras. This species can be called "Spotted Talking Catfish" due to its ability to croak when removed from water - it's also related to Wood and Banjo catfish families of doradids (family Doradidae).
The Spotted Raphael Catfish enjoys company, but it can also live by itself in an aquarium. It is quite reclusive and likes to hide out with other "friends". Multiple specimens will sometimes wedge into the same refuge together. This fish isn't aggressive or territorial, but like most catfish, it will prey on anything smaller than its mouth size- small fish and fry for example! Although this scaleless animal does not have a sensitive skin that requires careful water quality management- nutrients should be added occasionally - if you want to keep your creature healthy.