Hyphessobrycon rosaceus DURBIN, 1909
A very nice Tetra Species that is peaceful with other fish species
Distribution: Found in Guyana, Suriname and Brazil. The species is found in several river systems, including the Rio Essequibo, Rio Corantijn and Rio Suriname.
Max Size 4cm
Water Conditions:
Temperature: 75-82°F (24-28°C)
pH: 5.5-7.5.
Although it will survive in slightly alkaline water, it tends to be more colourful when kept in acidic conditions.
Hardness: 1-12°H
Personal Notes: This species looks quite bland and quite boring if you put it in a white background. However, in a planted or black background you can really appreciate the rosiness of its body and it's white on the fins stands out quite nicely.
They do appreciate to be in groups of 3 and this is why we sell them at the groups of 3.
We have been keeping a small colony of them in with Rasbora Maculatus amongst other fish and we have discovered that they are quite peaceful.
However they do get a little nippy with Fancy Tailed Guppies and its best to avoid those with long flowing fins.