The Angolan elephant nose fish, also known as the Gnathonemus petersii, is a unique and fascinating fish species that is native to the African continent. They are known for their elongated, narrow body and a long, tapered snout that resembles the trunk of an elephant.
The Angolan elephant nose fish are generally peaceful and can be kept in community aquariums with other non-aggressive fish species. They are nocturnal and require plenty of hiding spaces in their aquariums, such as caves or plants, to feel safe and secure.
One of the most distinctive features of this fish is its ability to generate weak electrical signals to navigate and communicate with other fish in their environment. They use their sensitive electrical field to detect movement and to locate prey, making them excellent hunters.
Overall, the Angolian elephant nose fish is a fascinating and unique addition to any aquarium, especially for those interested in keeping more unusual fish species.
This is a shrimp safe species (when small)