Hyphessobrycon bentosi DURBIN, 1908
Hyphessobrycon: from the Ancient Greek υπελάσσων (hyphesson), meaning ‘of lesser stature’, and used as a prefix in this case, plus the generic name Brycon.
bentosi: named to honour Colonel Bentos, who was a volunteer on the Thayer Expedition during which the type specimens were collected.
Type locality is ‘Amazon River at Obidos, Pará, Brazil’, which corresponds to the municipality of Óbidos in the lower Amazon basin, located on the river’s main channel between the mouths of the rios Trombetas and Tapajós.
Max Length 40 – 45 mm.
Water Conditions
Temperature: 20 – 28 °C
pH: 5.0 – 7.5
Hardness: 18 – 215 ppm