Hygrophila Angustifolia, also known as the Willow Hygro, is an undemanding, extremely attractive aquarium plant. It has large stems with narrow leaves that sway in the current like a weeping willow tree. Hygrophila angustifolia grows fast and helps keep aquarium water clean by removing nitrates, making it an ideal choice for the new aquarist.
It requires a nutrient-rich substrate, with iron-rich fertiliser added regularly. Provide a moderate amount of lighting of at least 2 to 3 watts per gallon of full spectrum (5000-7000K) light. CO2 fertilisation is also recommended.
For Hygrophila Angustifolia to thrive, the water should be kept between 74°-82°F, with an alkalinity of 3 to 8 dKH and a pH of 6.5-7.5. To propagate, plant cuttings that have been removed from the healthy mature plant. Simply remove any leaves from the bottom 1" to 2" of the stem, and new root growth will form from the last node on the stem.
Care Level: Easy
Colour Form: Green, Yellow
Water Conditions: 74-82° F, KH 3-8, pH 6.5-7.5
Max. Size: 1' 8"
Family: Acanthaceae
Lighting: Moderate
Supplements: Trace Elements, CO2 Fertilisation, Iron-Rich Fertiliser, Substrate Fertiliser
Placement: Background
Propagation: Cuttings