Trichogaster trichopterus (Pallas, 1777)
COMMON NAME: Blue gourami, three-spot gourami.
SYNONYMS: Labrus trichopterus Pallas, 1777; Trichogaster trichopterus Bloch and Schneider, 1801; Trichopodas trichopterus Lacépède, 1801; Trichopus trichopterus Cuvier and Valenciennes 1831; Trichopus sepat Bleeker, 1845; Osphromenus siamensis Günther, 1861; Trichopus siamen
sis Sauvage, 1881; Osphronemus saigonensis Borodin, 1930.
The numerous synonyms can be explained in part by the fact that many local forms deviating somewhat from each other were originally described as species
LENGTH: 5 in. (12 cm)
FIN RAY COUNT: D, VII-IX/8-10; A, X-XII/33-38.
DISTRIBUTION: The species is very common throughout Indochina and the Malayan area (see map). Occurrences in the marginal areas of its distribution came about by releases. This species is quite variable over its large geographical range, and there are a large number of local forms. A detailed taxonomic study of these local forms has not yet been undertaken. Up to now only a mottled blue form from Sumatra has been described as a subspecies. This fish occurs in almost all types of waters but is very common in overgrown river banks, canals, ponds, and lakes in which there is an abundance of vegetation. It also lives periodically in flooded rice paddies and is even temporarily found in brackish water.
DESCRIPTION: Typical coloration consists of two dark spots, one of which is in the centre of the side, and the other is located on the caudal peduncle. The common name, three-spot gourami, is derived from these the spots plus the dark eye, which is considered the third "spot." The basic colour and the markings can be quite different, depending on the place of origin of the specimens. Some individuals have a beautifully marbled pattern on a bluish grey or greenish grey background. Others are monochromatically bluish grey, but there's also a strain that has a more brownish background.
The dorsal fin in the male is considerably longer and more pointed than that of the female. The anal fin is bigger on the male and marked on the outer edge by rows of iridescent orange or yellow dots
MAINTENANCE AND BREEDING: Of all the forms of this genus, this one seems to be the hardiest. It can tolerate slightly lower temperatures than the others the other Trichogaster species. While it usually breeds in a manner typical for the genus, it has been known to breed using only a scant scattering of bubbles that barely resemble a nest at all.
Labyrinth Fish Pinter (1984) p86
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