Sparkling Gourami: A Tropical Fish for your Freshwater Aquarium
Scientific name: Trichopsis pumila
Common name: Sparkling gourami, Pygmy Gourami
Max. size: 1.6 inches
pH range: 6.0 – 7.0
dH range: 5 - 19
Temperature range: 25 – 28°C
The Sparkling Gourami is one of the most sought-after species in aquariums, and rightfully so. Unlike other gouramis that can grow to a length of 30 cm (12 inches), this fish typically only grows up to 8cm or 3 inches long. It comes under various names such as Pygmy Gourami, Dwarf Croaking Gourami, Green Croaking Gouriem and PurringGoumi - its scientific name Pumila means small or dwarfish!
Sparkling Gourami habitat:
The sparkling gourami fish can survive in very tough conditions by breathing the atmospheric air. The small, tropical freshwater species dwells primarily from Indonesia to Vietnam and thrives in thickly planted waters with warm water.
The fish feeds on various small insects that fall onto the surface of water or inhabit it. A typical biotop for these creatures is a shallow forest pond with a slow flow; lentic waters are also well-suited to their survival and reproduction.
The sparkling gourami is without a doubt one of the most beautiful fish in existence. With colours and patterns that are so vibrant, it’s hard to not find this little guy fascinating!
There is no way you can't love these fish - they are so beautiful and graceful! Their bodies are long, thin, and streamlined. The thickest point on their body that I noticed was right where the ventral fins were located; after this, it tapered down to a caudal peduncle rather aggressively.
Aside from being easy to care for because of how sturdy they are against disease or infection (their robust immune system), another thing that makes them such an excellent choice in aquariums is just how stunningly attractive they look when swimming around your tank. They're like little sparkling bullets darting back and forth through water!
Gender differences: male vs female
Females are easy to identify because they have a rounded belly filled with eggs. This common trait is shared by the Sparkling Gourami and Cinnamon Dwarf Gourami, which makes choosing the right fish in your aquarium difficult. The best way to tell between genders is by looking at their fins: males are longer than females!
The wild Sparkling Gourami are usually happy eaters in captivity, and they have a varied diet from live to frozen food. They typically enjoy tropical flakes with algae flakes foods, Tubifex worms, brine shrimp or snails.
Breeding Sparkling Gourami
The male gourami builds a bubble nest on the surface of the water. He’ll allow his female partner to come close enough so that they can embrace one another and release their eggs as fertilized embryos into the cluster, for him then to guard over until those fry hatch in around 24-48 hours.
The fry remains in the nest until their yolk sac is used up, and once this happens they become free-swimming. Other fish will eat these little guys, but that’s why it's best to breed them in your own aquarium.
Sparkling Gourami Tank Mates
Sparkling Gouramis are one of the smallest species in their family, and they should be kept with fish that have a similar size. It's not recommended to keep them with very active or aggressive tank mates because these types can end up hurting them due to how fragile they are.
The Sparkling gourami is so small it could fit on your thumb - this makes them susceptible to nipping from other more dominant fish who see their fins as food!
Male Bettas are not the best neighbours either, because of their similar appearance and penchant for fighting they often get confused and will attack Gouramis.
It is best to keep Sparkling Gouramis together or with small non-conflicting fish. For example, you might consider Dwarf and Pearl Gouramis, Rasboras or Neon Rainbowfish. These other breeds of tank mates are very compatible because they’re usually smaller in size than the Sparkle Fish which makes them easier on aquarium gravel, decorations and plants as well!
Some good species for this type of environment would be Corydoras catfishes that have a lower aggression level but still help clean up food debris from bottom dwellers like Otos
Final thoughts
The Sparkling Gourami is a true beauty and idea for the nano or small aquarium enthusiast. These fish are available in your local pet store, but they can also be found online from reputable suppliers who offer them at an affordable price that will make you think twice about their adorableness! The good news is that these little guys are easy to care for so if ever there was a perfect beginner’s tropical fish this would be it!
The Sparkling Gourami has won me over with its cuteness and undeniable charm. I love how inexpensive they were when I bought mine because not only does it come as such a nice surprise, but now my wallet doesn't hurt too much either (wink).