Species Summary
Bloodfin Tetras (Aphyocharax anisitsi) are a visually striking freshwater fish that are fun to watch and easy to care for. They are part of the characin family and share many of the same characteristics of other Tetras.
These fish are endemic to rivers in South America. They are most commonly found in the Parańa River basin. However, they’ve also been spotted throughout the Amazon, in Eastern Peru, and Colombia.
Today, you’re most likely to see these fish as part of a colorful community tank. Bloodfin Tetras do well in large groups and get along with most other peaceful fish. No matter how large your community tank is, these fish are sure to be stars of the show.
The typical Bloodfin Tetra lifespan is around 5 to 8 years in captivity. This is on-par with many other popular tetra species.
Of course, there are no guarantees. Despite their hardiness, these fish can be sensitive to poor water conditions. They need a well-maintained habitat and plenty of high-quality food to truly thrive. Otherwise, their lifespan might be shortened significantly due to disease or injury.
While Bloodfin Tetras may not have the flowing fins or unique body shape as some other aquarium fish, they are certainly quite beautiful in their own right. These are smaller fish that take on a torpedo-like shape. They are girthier towards their head and midsection. However, their shape tapers off to meet their sizable caudal fin.
The primary colour of the fish is silver. The scales take on a somewhat iridescent finish. As a result, you may notice flashes of greenish-blue as light bounces off their body. The silvery colour covers most of their mass.
The size of a full-grown Bloodfin Tetra is just over 2 inches in length. Thanks to their small size, they are very manageable and do well in small to medium-sized tanks.
Water Parameters
The great thing about Bloodfin Tetras is that they aren’t particularly fussy when it comes to water parameters. They adapt well and won’t have too many issues with slight fluctuations.
That said, you still need to stick to a general range of water parameters. Like any fish, Bloodfin Tetras do best in waters that are similar to their natural habitat.
This species comes from bodies of water in South America. They prefer things to be on the warmer side (they can survive in colder tanks as well though) with a relatively neutral pH balance. Here are some parameters to follow:
Water temperature: 64°F to 82°F (around 70 degrees is preferred)
pH levels: 6.0 to 8.0
Water hardness: 2 to 3 dGH
As long as you stick within these ranges, your fish should have no problem staying healthy. However, it’s important to test these levels on a consistent basis to make sure they’re stable.