Melanotaenia Praecox 5cm
The dwarf rainbowfish (Melanotaenia praecox) is a species of rainbowfish in the subfamily Melanotaeniinae, also commonly known as the neon rainbowfish. It is endemic to the Mamberamo River basin in West Papua in Indonesia and common in the aquarium trade. Males tend to be brighter in color and have deeper bodies than the females. This species' is considered to be an egg-scatterer, so it is easy to breed.Their bodies are bright blue and iridescent, and their fins are colorful. This species is active and is known to jump out of water. They are native to a tropical climate. Wikipedia contributors. (2019, September 9). Dwarf rainbowfish. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 03:52, October 19, 2019, from https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Dwarf_rainbowfish&oldid=914808380 Picture: http://www.tropical-fish-keeping.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Praecox-Rainbowfish-Melanotaenia-praecox.jpg
$33.00 - $35.00
Madagascar Rainbow
Distribution Known only from small streams and the lower reaches of rivers, most of which drain into a series of coastal lagoons and lakes in Atsinanana region, eastern Madagascar. Although the extent of its historical range is unclear, modern distribution extends southwards from the lower Ivoloina River, just north of Toamasina city, as far as Manambalo Creek which lies south of the town of Vatomandry. The lakes and rivers along this stretch of coastline are connected by the Canal des Pangalanes, an artificial waterway constructed to allow boat transport throughout the natural lake system. It’s the longest man-made canal in the world, extending for some 600 km. South of Manambalo Creek and in the middle and upper Ivoloina River this species is replaced by undescribed members of the genus, in middle and upper sections of rivers within the boundaries of its range by B. leucopteron, and north of the Ivoloina by B. longianalis. Habitat Inhabits clear, flowing streams at altitudes up to 30 m AMSL, and shows a preference for habitats partially or completely shaded by riparian vegetation where water flow is not too strong. All habitats are characterised by extremely soft freshwater, and it has also been collected from blackwater swamp habitats with low pH and tannin-stained water. In unshaded or turbid environments it’s replaced by introduced Gambusia holbrooki and Xiphophorus maculatus. Young specimens have been observed to congregate in shallow, marginal zones with adults preferring deeper water, and is normally found in groups of ‘up to several dozen’ (Loiselle and Rodriguez, 2007). The species is also fished for food across the majority of its range. Maximum Standard Length 80 – 100 mm. Water Conditions Temperature: A range of 23 – 32 °C has been recorded in its natural waters during a single month. pH: 4.5 – 7.5. Wild specimens are likely to require more acidic water then farmed fish. Hardness: 0 – 268 ppm
Glossolepis incisus Salmon Red Rainbowfish
Weber, 1908Salmon-Red Rainbowfish Species SummaryFemale Glossolepis incisus have a yellowish olive body colour with a golden iridescence to the scales, and clear fins. The males on the other hand are brilliant, the entire body and fins are a bright salmon-red colour. Some of the scales have a silvery sheen, which creates a most unusual effect over the red background colour. Young fish are all rather dull in colour, being an overall olive greenish colour with a trace of silvery sheen. However, once the fish reach a length of 4 to 5 cm the males begin to colour up. Once the colour change begins to occur it progresses quite rapidly. By the time the fish are 7 to 8 cm long the males should have their full intense red colouration. Males are typically deeper bodied than females and have a high rounded back which gives them the appearance of having a relatively small head and disproportionately large eyes. Males may reach a maximum size of 15 cm, but females are usually less than 12 cm. Glossolepis differ from other melanotaeniids by a combination of characters which includes distinctly crenulate scale margins, a high gill raker count, spine at the beginning of the second dorsal fin taller than first spine of first dorsal fin, relatively elongate pectoral fins, a unique premaxillary dentition and characteristic profile of the head, nape, and dorsal and anal fins. Lake Sentani - photo© Gary Lange Distribution & HabitatGlossolepis incisus are found only in Lake Sentani. Lake Sentani is located some 10 kilometres west of Jayapura at the NE extremity of West Papua. It is an irregularly shaped lake with approximate dimensions of 28 km (E-W) by 19 km (N-S) and a surface area of 104 km². Its blue-green waters are dotted with at least 16 small islands, and it is surrounded by hillsides in the south and the Cyclops Mountains in the north, which separate the lake from the Pacific Ocean. Lake Sentani is by far the largest of the West Papuan lakes and has a catchment area of about 600 km². About 35 small rivers flow into the lake, and there is one natural outlet in the south-eastern tip, via the Jafuri and Tami rivers to the Pacific Ocean near the Papua New Guinea border. The lake is divided into three main sections with recorded depths of 7 to 52 metres. According to surveys in 1970-71, 1984 and 1987 the lake is thermally unstratified, with surface temperatures of 29-32°C and pH 6.2-6.8. Rainbowfishes are generally found around the margins of the lake. Large numbers are found congregating around submerged aquatic vegetation, fallen tree branches etc. The overall abundance of Glossolepis incisus was considered high in Lake Sentani during surveys in November-December 2009, July-November 2010 and October 2011, with more than 30 individuals per site per visit, collected during a three-year survey (Ohee 2013). The highest abundance was found at water depths of 0-60 cm and in the early morning, 06.00-09.00 am, and afternoon, around 16.00-18.00 pm. Some fish were also detected at around a depth of two meters, as well as some at depths exceeding two meters. Local spearfishermen reported seeing Glossolepis incisus in even deeper water, while seine fishermen were observed catching them. However, the low number of individuals found in both cases suggests that although they can be found in such deep water, the occurrence is rare. Fish were collected along the shoreline of the lake and mouths of two creeks, namely Waena Creek and Jembatan II Creek. Fish with smaller body lengths (<90 mm SL) tended to occupy the very shallow area near the shoreline, while fish with larger bodies (>90 mm SL) were rare along the shoreline. The mean body lengths (SL) of the collected specimens were 65.52-70.72 mm. Glossolepis incisus (males) - photo© Hristo Hristov Male Glossolepis incisus were more abundant than females in the shallow waters along the shoreline, the latter being found more commonly in deeper waters. Moreover, they usually avoided high light intensities by moving to shaded areas or deeper water. Therefore, fish were rarely found in shallow waters during periods of high light intensity, such as from late-morning to mid-afternoon, having moved to deeper waters. In cases where they remained near the surface, they had moved to shadowed areas, such as under stilt houses or amongst submerged plants. The substrate of the lake consists of mud and sand, and water plants grow in shallow areas to cover 25% of the lake's area. Glossolepis incisus are known to prefer habitats with submerged plants, roots, and wood debris, which are all commonly found along the shorelines. In Lake Sentani, various types of terrestrial vegetation were also found along the shoreline. The vegetation grows naturally, or is planted by people who reside in the area. Generally, the fish were abundant amongst the roots of some plants, such as the Sago Palm (Metroxylon sagu), or large trees, such as Ficus spp., as well as grasses. Large trees also provided shade for the fish. Hydrilla verticillata was the most ubiquitous water plant, being found in most locations. Hydrilla verticillata, Ceratophyllum demersum, Myriophyllum, Potamogeton and Vallisneria are some aquatic plants found in the deeper parts of the lake, while water lilies (Nymphaea, Nymphoides), Ipomoea aquatica, Bulrushes, and floating aquatic plants Eichhornia crassipes, Salvinia molesta and Lemna are found in the shallow parts. Eichhornia crassipes is the most common plant and is found throughout the entirety of Lake Sentani, often disturbing water-based transportation. Pandanus and Sago (Metroxylon sagu) grow on the shore. The overall habitat preference of Glossolepis incisus was clear, shallow water, sand, gravel, and cobble substrate, and shoaling amidst Hydrilla verticillata, Valisneria, Eichhornia crassipes, Metroxylon sagu, and grasses. The availability of food also attracted fish to certain areas, such as under the traditional stilt houses, roots of some plants, litter, and wood debris. The pollen of terrestrial plants, as well as terrestrial insects, also served as a food source for the fish, along with the larvae of aquatic insects and algae. Roots of plants were also important for refuge. These factors influenced their distribution and habitat selection, and consequently, its abundance (Ohee 2013). Unfortunately, because of its proximity to the provincial capital Jayapura and the large population around it, Sentani is no longer the pristine lake it once was. Despite the fact that Lake Sentani has been identified as an important ecosystem for species conservation (Conservation International 1999; Polhemus et al. 2004), the area remains under no protection. Meanwhile, human activities surrounding the lake have led to noticeable deforestation around it, water pollution, and the introduction of exotic species. Although Glossolepis incisus has been largely unaffected by the present concentrations of pollutants in Lake Sentani, the continuing human population growth around the lake will result in concentrations that will be hazardous to Glossolepis incisus and its co-inhabitants. Reference https://rainbowfish.angfaqld.org.au/Incisus.htm
Boesemani Rainbowfish
Category Rating Care Level: Easy Temperament: Peaceful Color Form: Blue heads with red rears Lifespan: 5-8 years Size: Up to 4.5 inches Diet: Omnivores Family: Melanotaeniidae Minimum Tank Size: 120L Tank Set-Up: Freshwater with plants and swimming spaces Compatibility: Peaceful community