What is Duckweed (Lemna disperma)?
Duckweed Lemna disperma is an oval or sometimes round herb that is endemic to Austalia. It has an average size of 1-4 mm long with red and green body coloration that grows 3 to 5 veins.
It is known to be one of Earth's most miniature flowering plants. Lemna diaspora tends to form a thick green mat that slowly drifts on the water surface.
The plants primarily reproduce vegetatively, with two daughter plants budging off from the adult plant. This type of growth allows new water to be colonized very quickly. Duckweeds sexually multiply themselves by flowering and producing seeds under appropriate water conditions.
Duckweeds spread quickly and produce a lot of new offshoots. Therefore, dense populations are beneficial to aquatic species. Herbivore fishes would benefit the most
Scientists have recently recognized duckweeds' rapid growth rate, and the plants are now used for bioremediation of waterways with high levels of nitrogen and phosphorus that come from agricultural runoff.