Aphyosemion poliaki is a species of killifish native to Central African Republic, Cameroon, and Equatorial Guinea. This species is part of the Aphyosemion genus, which consists of many different killifish species that are found throughout Africa. Aphyosemion poliaki are a small fish, growing to a maximum adult size of around 2 inches. They have a short, elongated body, with a broad head and bright colors. Males are typically a bright yellow or orange, while females are usually a light grey-brown. Aphyosemion poliaki are an attractive species, and are often kept in aquariums. They are relatively easy to care for, and require a soft substrate such as sand or gravel, as well as plenty of hiding places. They are also an egg-laying species, and will lay their eggs in fine-grained materials such as sand or fine gravel.